"Music -
is the best
for the soul..."
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where you can find everything
about my artist's live
Who's Bacho?
Hello, I’m Bacho, and music for me is the most powerful weapon in the world, the best way to express yourself, and the most healing remedy for free.
If you ask me what the most beautiful thing in the world is, I’ll answer Angelina Jolie, but I’m not Brad Pitt, so I’ll just stay with your voices singing in unison about what makes us happy, what hurts us, and what brings us to a state of euphoria.
Let’s forget the past, live in the present, and dream our future, all of this through music.
I’m from a small town where I thought my dreams would always remain just dreams, but it turned out the real problem was the limits we set for ourselves, starting from where you are and ending with the fears in your mind.
I want us all to step out of our comfort zones, searching for and trying what once seemed impossible, and when you no longer have the strength, my music will be your salvation.
Watch my videos, like, comment, and share if you enjoyed!
Bacho & CARNIVAL BRAIN - Semafoare
Audițiile Eurovision Moldova 2025
Bacho & Carnival Brain - Semafoare
Song for Eurovision 2025
Bacho - Shaka Boom
Bacho x Crista x Paul Small - Natura Omului
[Lyric Video]
You can find my tracks on many digital platforms.
Explore my music and enjoy it
wherever you like to listen!
External sources. PRESS.
Public news about Bacho.
Support us by voting for the song Bacho & Carnival Brain - Semafoare if you enjoyed our live performance!
Cursa pentru un loc la Eurovision Song Contest 2025 a început! 25 de artiști și trupe au trecut de etapa preselecțiilor și se pregătesc să impresioneze publicul și juriul în cadrul audițiilor live.
Дерзкие парни из Таллинна могут представить Молдову на Евровидении-2025
Таллиннская группа Carnival Brain приняла участие в национальном отборе на Евровидение-2025 от Молдовы и вышла в финал....
The 12 qualifiers will take the stage for the Etapa Națională 2025 Final on 22 February. The winner, decided by 50% jury and 50% public votes, will represent Moldova at Eurovision in Basel this May.

+373 78 311127
Ray Artists Agency & Ragoza Music Label